

Get it on Windows 10


Download the ZIP archive. Just extract the files and run PhotoFilmStrip.exe.

Linux (Debian)

The easiest way to get PhotoFilmStrip running on a Debian based Linux is to download the deb-package. On Ubuntu systems this file will be opened with the gdebi package installer. All dependencies will be automatically installed. After that you have a new shortcut named PhotoFilmStrip in your Sound & Video section of your main menu.

Other platforms

PhotoFilmStrip is written in the interpreter language Python (Version 3.4). It is not neccessary to compile the code to run the application. the folder named "src" in the source-tarball contains the start script "photofilmstrip/" to run the GUI front end.

Checkout the latest code from the GitHub repository or download the source-tarball.


To run PhotoFilmStrip you need:

  • Python 3.4
  • GUI framework wxPython 4.0.1 or later
  • Python Imaging Library (pillow)

To render your own filmstrips you need:

  • gstreamer (>1.6) with plugins


View all available files on Sourceforge.